Life Sciences Baltics 2018


Team arivis Cloud just arrived from the Life Sciences Baltics conference, an inspiring and motivating environment showing the Baltics’ great potential with regards to Biotechnology and the application of digital topics in this area.

Young innovators in the Baltics

What positively surprised me was the amount of young people attending LSB2018. One could sense their passion for this field, and their drive to innovate. Once example that stuck with me was the start-up Oxipit; their goal is to help hospitals recognize diseases in medical X-ray images by developing deep learning tools.

Scenic and welcoming Lithuanian capital Vilnius

Also Vilnius, Lithuanian’s capital, has much to offer. We enjoyed the walks through its beautiful old town that goes back to the 13th Century and earlier. Our Lithianian colleague also took us to Trakai Burg one day where this picture was taken.

Team arivis Cloud tasting Lithuanian Food. Follow us on Twitter @zeiss_arivis for all the updates

In particular, we discovered that Lithuania has a great kitchen, with many influences from the Russian kitchen, but also with some local specialties, such as Zeppelins, which are bit like the Bavarian dumplings.

Life Science Center at Vilnius University utilizing arivis Cloud for research

The Proteomics Centre Team with Dr. Vilnius and Roman from Team arivis Cloud: Togehter they will work on implementing workflows on arivis Cloud.

Yet again, when demonstrating the potential of arivis Cloud, we learn so much. Many life science professionals liked the simple usability of arivis Cloud. Retrieving insights from images has become a cumbersome task and many booth visitors said that there is a significant amount of time spent on programming image processing for which arivis Cloud can offer a remedy.

As a matter of fact, Dr. Mindaugas Valius, head of the  Proteomics Centre at Vilnius University, invited us into his lab to learn more about his specific challenges. Our imaging specialist gave an image processing workshop for the life science students. Learning about the current projects, we understood that arivis Cloud workflows could speed up their research time: Getting statistical info from images easier  and advanced live cell tracking, in particular.

In the next couple of weeks we will collaborate with students from the Proteomics Centre to implement their workflows on arivis Cloud. Stay tuned for news.

Roman Zinner

Content Manager

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